ICImagingControl.MemorySaveImage Method

This method saves the current buffer as a .bmp file.
Public Sub MemorySaveImage(Filename As String)
Parameter Description

Specifies the filename of the image file to be saved.


The pixel format of the bitmap is determined by the ICImagingControl.MemoryCurrentGrabberColorformat property.


This example opens a common dialog box for the user to select a filename and then saves an image under this name:

Sub SaveImageFile(ic As ICImagingControl, cmdlg As CommonDialog)
    On Error GoTo err_SaveImageFile

    ' Snap an image if live image is running. Else use existing image.
    If ic.LiveVideoRunning Then
    End If

    ' Open a common dialog to let the user select a filename and
    ' save the image.
    With cmdlg
        .Filter = "Bitmap (*.bmp)|*.bmp|"
        .CancelError = True
        ic.MemorySaveImage .FileName
    End With
Exit Sub

    If Err <> cdlCancel Then MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
See also: ICImagingControl, ICImagingControl.MemorySnapImage, ICImagingControl.MemoryCurrentGrabberColorformat

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