ICImagingControl.MemorySaveImageSequence Method

This method saves a sequence of images as a sequence of single .bmp files.
Public Sub MemorySaveImageSequence(SequenceLength As Long, Filename As String)
Parameter Description

Specifies the number of images to be saved.


Specifies the base filename of the image files to be saved. It must contain a "*" character, which will be replaced by a frame number. For example, specifying a SequenceLength of 3 and "c:\test*.bmp" as a Filename will create the 3 files "c:\test000.bmp", "c:\test001.bmp" and "c:\test002.bmp".


This example will capture a sequence of 25 images to memory, and then save the images to 25 individual files. A "*" character is added to the filename to enable Imaging Control to insert a frame number:

Sub SaveImageSequence(ic As ICImagingControl, cmdlg As CommonDialog)
    On Error GoTo err_SaveImageSequence
    Const NumberOfImages = 25

    ic.ImageRingBufferSize = NumberOfImages
    ic.MemorySnapImageSequence NumberOfImages
    With cmdlg
        .Filter = "Bitmap (*.bmp)|*.bmp|"
        .CancelError = True
        ic.MemorySaveImageSequence NumberOfImages, _
            Left$(.FileName, Len(.FileName) - 4) & _
            "*" & _
            Right$(.FileName, 4)
    End With
    Exit Sub

    If Err <> cdlCancel Then MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
See also: ICImagingControl, ICImagingControl.MemorySnapImageSequence, ICImagingControl.ImageRingBufferSize

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