OverlayBitmap.GetDC Method

This method returns the device context of the OverlayBitmap object.
					Public Function GetDC() As Long

Return Value:

A long value that contains the handle to the device context that is used in the OverlayBitmap. If an error occurs, the returned value is zero.


Run time only. Only after ICImagingControl.LiveStart has been called once.


If the returned device context is no longer used, an application must call OverlayBitmap.ReleaseDC to release the device context.


This Basic example demonstrates how to place a bitmap on the live video.

The example uses functions from the Windows GDI library. They must be declared on top the form as follows.

See also: OverlayBitmap, OverlayBitmap.ReleaseDC, ICImagingControl.LiveStart

<< ICImagingControl.OverlayBitmap