FrameFilterImpl::addLongParam Method

Registers a long (integer) parameter than can be accessed using the methods of IFrameFilter.
    void addLongParam( const std::string& name, tFilterError (T::*getFunc)( long& ), tFilterError (T::*setFunc)( long ) );
    void addLongParam( const std::wstring& name, tFilterError (T::*getFunc)( long& ), tFilterError (T::*setFunc)( long ) );

Name Description

Name of the parameter. This string has to be passed to IFrameFilter::setParameter or IFrameFilter::getParameter to access the parameter.


Name of a member function of the class derived from FrameFilterImpl. Has to take a reference to a long as its only parameter and return a tFilterError.


Name of a member function of the class derived from FrameFilterImpl. Has to take a long as its only parameter and return a tFilterError.


You should register all parameters of your frame filter in your constructor.


For an example on how to register a parameter, see addFloatParam.

See also: FrameFilterImpl, FrameFilterImpl::addBoolParam, FrameFilterImpl::addFloatParam, FrameFilterImpl::addStringParam, FrameFilterImpl::addDataParam

<< FrameFilterImpl