Grabber::getAvailableVideoFormats Method

Returns a list of all video formats supported by the current video capture device according to the current video norm.
tVidFmtListPtr getAvailableVideoFormats() const;
tVidFmtListPtr getAvailableVideoFormats(const VideoNormItem& videonorm) const;

Parameter Description

If a video norm is specified, a list of all video formats that are compatible to this video norm is returned.

Return value:

A pointer to a list of VideoFormatItems or 0, if an error occurred.


This method creates a list of all video formats supported by the currently active video capture device. The available video formats are dependent on the currently selected video norm.

Note: This method returns 0, if there is no video capture device open.

See also: Grabber, Grabber::tVidFmtListPtr, Grabber::getVideoFormat, Grabber::setVideoFormat, VideoNormItem

<< Grabber