Enum ErrorCode
Defines the error codes identifying errors occuring in the library.
Namespace: ic4
Assembly: ic4dotnet.dll
public enum ErrorCode
The error code of a IC4Exception is provided by its ErrorCode property.
Name | Description |
Ambiguous | The parameter did not uniquely identify an item. |
BufferTooSmall | A supplied buffer was too small to receive all available data. |
ConversionNotSupported | The operation would require an image format conversion that is not supported. |
DeviceError | The device behaved unexpectedly. |
DeviceInvalid | The device has become invalid (e. g. it was unplugged). |
DeviceNotFound | The device was not found. |
DriverError | Device driver behaved unexpectedly. |
FileAccessDenied | Failed to write to a file, because the location was not writable. |
FileFailedToReadData | Failed to read data from a file. |
FileFailedToWriteData | Failed to write data to a file. |
FilePathNotFound | Failed to write to a file, because the path was invalid. |
GenICamAccessDenied | Tried to access a camera feature that is currently not accessible. |
GenICamChunkDataNotConnected | Tried to read a value that is only available if chunk data is connected to the property map. |
GenICamDeviceError | Error occured writing to device. |
GenICamFeatureNotFound | No matching GenICam feature found. |
GenICamNotImplemented | Tried to access a feature that is not implemented by the current camera. |
GenICamTypeMismatch | Attempted an operation on the wrong node type, e.g. command_execute on an integer. |
GenICamValueError | Tried to set an invalid value, e.g. out of range. |
ImageTypeMismatch | The passed buffer does not have the expected ImageType. |
Incomplete | The operation was only partially successful, e.g. not all properties of the grabber could be restored. |
Internal | An internal error (bug) occurred. |
InvalidParamVal | An invalid parameter was passed in. |
LibraryNotInitialized | InitLibrary has not been not called. |
NoData | The requested data is not available. |
NoError | No error occurred, the operation was successful. |
OutOfMemory | Out of memory. |
ParseError | There was an error parsing the parameter or file. |
SinkAlreadyAttached | The sink passed in is already attached to another grabber. |
SinkConnectAborted | The sink's connect handler signaled an error. |
SinkNotConnected | Sink is not yet connected. |
SnapAborted | A snap operation was not completed, because the camera was stopped before all requested frames could be captured. |
Timeout | The requested operation could not be completed before the timeout expired. |
Unknown | An unknown error occurred. |