ICImagingControl.DeviceFrameRates Property

Returns a collection of frame rates supported by the video capture device. May be empty if the device does not support frame rates.
Public DeviceFrameRates As DeviceFrameRates

Run time only, read only. Only available when an ICImagingControl.Device is open and valid.


This example shows how to fill the a combo box named lstFrameRateList with the framerates the video capture device supports:

Private Sub FillFrameRateList()
    Dim FrameRateCol As DeviceFrameRates
    Dim Rate As Variant

    ' Do not forget to clear the combo box

    ' Get the DeviceFrameRates collection from ICImagingControl1
    Set FrameRateCol = ICImagingControl1.DeviceFrameRates

    ' Get all frame rates from the DeviceFrameRates collection
    ' and fill the combo box with the frame rates
    For Each Rate In FrameRateCol
        lstFrameRateList.AddItem Str(Rate)
End Sub
See also: ICImagingControl, ICImagingControl.DeviceFrameRates, ICImagingControl.DeviceFrameRateAvailable, ICImagingControl.DeviceFrameRate, ICImagingControl.DeviceCurrentActualFrameRate

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